Happy Ganesha Chaturthi
Ganesha is revered as the remover of obstacles, the patron of arts and sciences, and as a spiritually potent figure who can avert all evil influences. As the God of beginnings, he is honoured at the start of rites and ceremonies.
When we were young, my parents insisted we repeat this Sloka before any major endeavour, first day of college, key exam, new job etc.
Vakratunda Mahaakaaya Suryakotee Sama Prabha
Nirvighnam kuru mey Deva, Sarva kaaryeshu Sarvadaa”
O Lord Ganesha of Large body, curved trunk, with the brilliance of a million suns, please make all my work free of obstacles, always.
Ganesha’s story is always fascinating. He loves food. While most of us make new year resolutions to lose weight or reduce sugar, he seems to have no compunction. He loves sweets unabashedly. He is ready to ride his mouse, a contrast to his big form. One belief is that Lord Ganesha is able to go into nooks and corners of the world and do his job as the Destroyer of Obstacles because his vehicle is a mouse, who can basically slither through tiny holes and narrow pathways.
When young, we were petrified that we might see the moon on this day and then of-course scared out of our wits that we would have to then face many misfortunes. Moon was handsome and was always proud of his looks. Even humans compare a beautiful face with the glowing Moon. Maybe too much of praise makes you vain and arrogant as seems to be the case with the Moon God. One day, when Lord Ganesha was walking after consuming a big meal, he is supposed to have stumbled and struggled to get up. Chandra, the Moon laughed at the sight and made fun of him by making sarcastic remarks. Today we call this body shaming.
So, Ganesha looked at the arrogant moon and cursed him. Due to that curse, if anyone looks at the Moon on Ganesha Chaturthi, they are said to face untold challenges and may lose peace.
The actual lesson here is to lose arrogance and stay humble. One should not go by external appearances however beautiful they are and one must not insult anyone based on physical features or anything else.
Everything in the universe is God and everything within us is God and there is no separation. When there is no separation, there are no opposites like beauty and ugliness. This story explains to us that one must not be identified with one’s body but we can extend this to not make judgements based on wealth and success or lack there of.
I think it is a powerful message of tolerance. Happy Ganesh Chaturthi and may he remove all the obstacles in your life.